Headlight Restorations

Headlights on modern day vehicles are made from a type of thermoplastic polymer called polycarbonate, as opposed to older vehicles where they were made from glass.

Polycarbonate has huge advantages over glass in that it is easily moulded into complex shapes, is very impact resistant and very transparent to visible light, better then many types of glass. The disadvantages of this type of material is that it is not very suitable for long term UV exposure and can discolour and yellow. Given the extreme strength of UV in North QLD, bad headlights are a common sight and will take away the overall look of a vehicle, but more importantly will lower the amount of light your headlights transmit onto the road leading to dangerous night time driving.

The good news is this damage is easily reversible, even on the most damaged headlights but does require a proper multiple stage process of reversal and protection. Simply polishing the headlights with an abrasive substance will only give some improvement and the headlights will quickly return back the way they were in a matter of months or weeks due to no long term protection being applied.

Headlight Restoration

Our restoration process restores headlights to new or near new condition, depending on how extreme the damage is. The only thing that can not be reversed is cracking or deep scratches in the plastic. Once restored the headlights are ceramic coated to seal them off. This restoration is however only a short term solution for having clear headlights. For long term results we recommend wrapping the headlights in clear Xpel paint protection film for 10+ year protection.


Headlight Restoration [With Xpel Film]

This treatment is the same process as the above headlight package, however clear Xpel paint protection film is applied to the headlights to protect them long term from not only going yellow again but also from stone chips.
